
Feel the awesome.



Nov 2018

June – At The Lake – Part 1

So many photos and fun memories from our time with Grandma and Grandpa Necas at the lake!  So many in fact, that this is going to be a total photo dump, but a picture is worth a thousand words…so here’s an unorganized novel, ha!

Asher’s new favorite toy…

Asher’s biggest catch!  We were all so proud of him!


I need to make mention of this story.  Beck came to me with big alligator tears and big cries, and he was really really shaken up.  After he was able to settle down and find his words, he told me that he saved this little frog from two fish trying to eat it by the shore.  He said he kicked the fish away, and scooped the frog up and ran.  He came up with this idea as a way to protect the frog from the fish.  The frogs leg suffered some injury, but Beck sure took care of him before he was set free.  What a sweetheart.

The new, game this Summer!  We had a lot of fun with crochet!

In honor of Super Grandpa and Grandma Ernie, we had to go to Mrs. B’s :).


  • by rachelolimb
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  • Nov 06, 2018
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Sep 2018

June – At Home

Asher promoted up to the Ignite classes at our church, which means that now he gets to attend church with us together, and then heads up to the most fun room on our campus to hang out with other 5th and 6th grade friends.  Here’s his first Sunday with us in church!

His creativity is so fun to have around :).

He said, “Look Mom, I’m the hose man!”  Sweet boy.

Handsome boy with some new cuts :).

Jeremy said we should take a picture, because one day this will all look so different.  Please God.

Once kids with CF turn 10 they start beginning glucose testing because diabetes is unfortunately fairly common.  Asher’s numbers have been a little high, but nothing too concerning.  We are thankful we have a means to monitor all of Asher’s care, and are praying that he will not have to learn all about diabetes as well as cystic fibrosis.  It was cute though.  The nurse told Asher that he won the record for drinking the sugary-solution the fastest!  He said, “I was just pretending it was a chug jug.”  Fortnite has invaded all of life over here, ha!

This was adorable.  Beck was asking the nurse to show him what she was doing with the blood.  He wants to be a scientist when he grows up.  It’s so fun to watch him want to learn.

We love going to Feed My Starving Children!  We got to bring friends this time :).  

Going to the rock wall is one of our favorite activities!  The boys have so much fun!

The boys got to take a basketball camp through Hope Kids.  It was a really fun time for them, but I just don’t think we have a basketball lover over here, ha!

Daddy taught in big church this month.  We’re so proud of him!!!


Sweet boy had a rough few days.

Heading out to our Summer at the Lake!  More June to come!


  • by rachelolimb
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  • Sep 26, 2018
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Aug 2018


We celebrated Grandpa’s Birthday, and Grandma and Grandpa’s Anniversary!

We pushed the resume button and continued celebrating Easter with some egg painting.

Hanging out at home memories.

Mountains and tv.  Not a bad view for a dentist visit, ha!

Beck just gave this to me one day and asked me to send it in for him, ha!

Also Beck leaves notes like this all the time on our lists.  He melts us.

Mother’s Day was a sweet treat.  No one was sick, and we all got to go to church together!  So so very thankful.

Beck was very brave, and allowed Grandpa to yanked out his tooth that had been dangling for far too long, ha!  It needed to come out, and so the award was going to the arcade…which was cashed in by him right away!

Swimming at Grandma’s is always a favorite!

A new Star Wars movie is totally worth mentioning :).

We were busy wrapping up Kindergarten and 4th Grade.  The boys both had a really fun year learning and making lots of memories with their friends.  They were excited about the idea of changing schools, but we were all so sad to say good-bye to years of friendships at this school!

Asher ended the year with a World of Dance class performance that was really cute, and the perfect opportunity for him to display his well crafted “floss” :).  He also worked hard to get all “A’s” this quarter, and received the “Class Athlete” award from his teacher :).  We’re so proud of you, Asher!

Beck had the most wonderful year!  We were so thankful that God placed him with sweet Mrs. Phillips who also goes to our church.  He also made so many friends this year, friendships that will go beyond this past year and school.  Beck received the “Problem Solver” award in his classroom, which couldn’t be more perfect for him.  We’re thankful he kicked off his schooling career on an awesome foot :). 

Here’s his cute little questionnaire he filled out for his teacher:

1. Thank you Mrs Phillips for…
Thank you Mrs. Phillips for so much fun stuff and for letting us do the forts.
2. My favorite part about school was…
My favorite part about school was recess, and the fun run, and water day.
3. Mrs. Phillips is the best teacher because…
Mrs. Phillips is the best teacher because she lets us have lots of extra recess and she is fun and she always does lots of hugs.
4. The best day was when…
The best day was when we did the walk, and when we did so many road trips.
5. Mrs  Phillips taught me…
Mrs. Phillips taught me math, and she taught us minus and she let us see a snake.


Kindergarten Graduation!  This whole day I cried my eyes out because Beck was really sick with a fever, and not feeling well at all.  I was crushed thinking about him missing out on his only Kindergarten graduation.  When I mentioned to Beck that he would have to miss, he was insistent on going, even though it was clear he wasn’t feeling well.  They had been working so hard on their performance.  I was worried about exposing other kids, but his teacher texted me and said, “absolutely bring him!”  She knew how bad it would hurt a mama’s heart to have him miss.  On a performance note, Beck was so happy up there!!!  He’s usually a bit quiet and wanting it all to be over, but I guess he was just saving up all of his theatrical energy for the most important night.  I pretty much had to record the entire graduation, it was such a special moment!

Mrs. Phillips had the kids each draw their own portrait for their graduation shirts :).

We had another special graduation the night before!  Daddy graduated from Seminary after four years of working so hard!  We couldn’t be more proud of him, and how he has allowed God to use him and his talents in mighty ways!  So thankful to call him ours :).

Thankfully Beck was feeling better to attend his last official day of school.  Jeremy and I surprised the boys with hours of unlimited laser tag, bowling, and arcade game fun when we picked them up at school to celebrate a year of hard work :).

Graduation at church!  Beck in now upstairs with the big kids, and Asher moved into Ignite with the 5th and 6th Graders.  It was a big “moving on up” month for our family :).

And, we celebrated 18 years of marriage.  Jeremy said that our marriage became an adult :).


  • by rachelolimb
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  • Aug 14, 2018
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Jul 2018


We wrapped up another season of soccer for the boys.  They both worked really hard in their division, met a lot of friends, made a lot of goals (one game, Dad said that he would pay $5 per goal, and both boys made 5 goals, ha!), and they’re both looking forward to the fall season to play again!

Asher had a rockin’ season!  He can play several positions, and excel at them all.  It’s so fun watching him play soccer, because he really has some skill, and we know how much he loves playing the game!  Everyone, even his coaches can tell.  Asher was awarded the All-Star Player this season, and we are so proud of his hard work and sportsmanship! 

His coaches are great!  They hosted a parents vs. players game after the last game of the year, followed by a water balloon fight and pizza party :).

So sweet to be able to attend Good Friday service with the fam outside under the stars.  It was beautiful.

Happy Easter 2018!

Unfortunately, Beck was really not feeling well at all.  The two of us weren’t able to join the family for church, but he was still a trooper and let us capture a moment together.  I tried for some pictures of the boys before we left, but that lastest about 30 seconds.  I didn’t realize how torturous that would be for little Punkers, so we obviously bailed…but his sweet face is so cute I still had to post them :).  There’s also another little cutie that I had to capture :).

Easter is one of our favs to celebrate!  It’s such a joyous day!  We had to postpone our traditions, but that’s ok, it was still worth it to celebrate Jesus resurrecting, even if it’s a little late.  And, I totally made the boys dress up again, because Easter pics are the best, and they’re going to be so much bigger next year, sniff sniff…

Dad’s scavenger hunts for the Easter baskets are the best!  And, it’s a rule that they are not able to even try to decode the clues without the Bunny Decoder Glasses, haha!

We like to grow Calvary Hill for a couple of weeks before Easter.  It’s a sweet tradition as we prepare to celebrate Easter.


It was a big night in our home when Beck finally received his very own Orkambi!  As a dad and mom, we couldn’t be more thankful for this med and what it represents in science moving towards a cure.  As Beck, he has been waiting to turn 6 years old, so that he could be old enough to take Orkambi just like his older brother :).  We had to go out and celebrate the night the magical box arrived in our home :).

The night Beck took his first dose of Orkambi we were able to celebrate the special occasion with the family.

2018 Great Strides Walk for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation – All these wonderful friends and family took the time to come out and be with us for the walk this year.  It’s a really humbling time for us as a family, to physically see and feel loved and supported from so many people God has blessed us with.  We are so thankful for each of these people, and the story of how God brought us all together.  It’s so sweet how much the boys enjoy “their walk” and how they’ve started to open up about their fight and invite their friends in to join us.  

Dr. Mia!  We are so thankful for the many ways she cares for the boys.

Beck’s Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Phillips!

Asher’s 4th Grade teacher, Ms. Vehon!

Uncle Lance’s last night visiting.  We were thankful to have him here and share in some family memories together!

Daddy + Beck – Haircut + Dinner date :).

Beck wrapped up about 3 years of swimming lessons!  We decided to stop lessons because of our summer break and a new school schedule, but I could see us coming full circle back to this sport.  Beck loved every second of his lessons, and he’s a really great swimmer!  Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa Necas for supporting him in this endeavor :).

Also, love where we live!  It’s so our town that we can say good morning to the horses, before going into swimming lessons :).

Lots of morning walks and play time at the park next to our house :).

Beck’s teacher is the best.  She had a zoo going on in their classroom for the last quarter, so the kids could watch things hatch and swim and grow.  So sweet!

Asher was the Kindergarten helper every Wednesday, and he had the privilege of cuddling the little chickies too.

Swimming at Grandma and Grandpa’s is such a treat!

We have some hummingbirds that love hanging around our house.  They hover around the window to say hi to us during breakfast.  Beck is determined to get one of them to land on his finger :). 

Asher has pretty much perfected a potato recipe, and shared his creation with our community group this night.  It was a hit :).

Beck and I had some time to kill before a birthday party he was going to.  The mall is such a fun place to walk around, window shop, and see some puppies :).

Beck set the table, and made us signs for our dinner.  He’s such a sweet treat to have as a son :).  Love our little family.



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  • Jul 17, 2018
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Jun 2018


The boys’ school has quarterly cottage fairs, where they invite family to come into their classrooms and show us all the things they’ve been learning that quarter.  Beck had a lot of stories to share with us at this cottage fair, he has been working really hard at his writing!  He’s such a great little reader too!

Asher always says that he’s not interested in being a part of plays or the drama club, but every time he has a role, he does so well with getting into character :).

Sweet Beck.  You have a bit of a hard time when it’s your turn for blood work and cultures.  We are so thankful for patient nurses, and Daddy being willing to conference call in to help coach you through.  It’s really a challenge for you, and for us to have to ask you to walk through hard things.  We pray for a cure all the time.  But as we wait, we are thankful that even though you don’t like doing hard things, you are brave.

So thankful they have each other.

Beck’s first fun run!  He was so excited to be a part of the big event!  He was really sick the week before, so we were thankful he was able and felt well enough to have this memory for keeps!  He did awesome!!

It was so fun to see Asher out having recess while we were cheering Beck on at the fun run :).

Asher.  You always rock the fun run!  You’ve been built for events like this that require strength, determination, and perseverance.  We love you so much!

Beck was so excited to turn 6 so that he was old enough to join us at Feed My Starving Children!  We love doing this as a family!  Beck was in charge of weighing the bags, and Asher was helping with every station!  We had such a fun time together :).

It was also a huge deal that Beck turned 6 years old, because it meant that we could submit and request for him to be put on Orkambi, just like Asher.  Orkambi is the first drug that has been created to help at a cellular level correct the two huge problems this mutation causes in the boys’ bodies.  There are side effects and concerns, so Beck had to have a few tests done before like an eye exam.  And, of course we had to celebrate :).

Beck’s 6 year old birthday!  We are so thankful that God chose us to care for him!!  He is a blessing to all of us!  Jeremy and I were gone for his actual birthday, but we did get to have a few celebrations before we left, and thankfully Grandma and Grandpa Olimb and Grandma Joy Joy were ready and willing to make Beck feel so loved and special!!

Last night of being a 5 year old!

Jeremy and I had another opportunity to go to March on the Hill and advocate for our cystic fibrosis community.  We’ve felt so honored to be invited, and able to spend time with friends who are all fighting for protections for everyone in our community.  So thankful to Grandma and Grandpa Olimb and Grandma Joy Joy for caring for the boys while we were gone!!

Still enjoying cheering on our two little soccer stars!  Mr. Austin came to join in with us too!


At home fun!

We were giggling the whole time through the store.  We literally left your shoes at home, and realized it when I was dropping you off at school!  We piggy-backed it throughout the store buying you a new pair of shoes so you could go to school :).

Celebrating friends!

So proud of Beck.  He wrote an opinion letter to the Principal asking him to let Kindergartners be a part of the Otter Pop sales the school does so they can help their school raise money too.

Overall, the boys had some rough patches in March with sickness, but we are still so thankful for all of these memories.


  • by rachelolimb
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  • Jun 02, 2018
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May 2018


So fun to share in the Olympics with the boys this year! We absorbed as much as we could at home! Beck’s teacher even hosted Olympic games in their classroom, which was all the craze!

Speaking of school…God really blessed Beck with an amazing Kindergarten teacher.  She makes class time so fun for the kids!  I’m thankful I get to volunteer every week and witness all the Kinder fun!  Here they are, writing their sight words with light sabers :).

Asher’s soccer season was in full swing!  He loves his team, and the friendships he’s made over the last few years.  It’s so fun watching him play with his fancy feet :).

I happened to catch a goal and some fancy feet during practice.  He’s in the lime green shirt :).

Beck’s pre-game warm-up :).  Oh, and the Olympics :).

Beck, ownin’ it on the field :).

I thought this sight was pretty sweet.  Waiting for Beck’s swimming lessons.  I love how he nuzzles right into Asher’s arms :).

A beautiful blossom in our backyard :).

First time Asher made it to the top of lane 4!  That side is really hard!

Morning Lego Time.

Too cute not to post!  Beck wrote a book on “How to take care of your pet”…He doesn’t have a pet, but I guess he wants to share his wisdom…or he’s trying to convince his Daddy, haha! 

“First be nice to him or girl.  Next play with him he will be happy. ”

“Then you bring in your dog and give him a treat.  Last you are done.  That is how you take care of your pet.”  LOL!!!  This is definitely a keeper :).

Handsome boy trying on one of dad’s props.

They love arm wrestling!

Beck followed it up with some sit-ups, ha!

Grandma took care of the boys and soccer, and let Jeremy and I go to California to meet with the Vertex team, which was an incredible opportunity we were thankful to have!

We got to take a tour of the lab that has created a lot of the medications that our boys benefit from.  So thankful for these people and scientists!!

Daddy was out of town, so the boys and I headed downtown to cheer on the Arizona Rattlers!

So blessed to honor Daddy, and celebrate 40 years of his life!  God has used him in countless ways to impact our lives, and many, many others.  Here’s to a new decade, honey!!!

Jeremy and I were able to chaperone one of Beck’s field trips to the Wildlife zoo.  It was so cute spending time with Beck and his cutie Kinder class!

A lot of the month was taken over by sickness too…we love our boys so much, and couldn’t be more thankful to get to take care of them.


  • by rachelolimb
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  • May 17, 2018
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Apr 2018


This picture was tucked away in another place, and it was too cute not to include on your blog, boys.  Here you are ringing in 2018!

We love Hope Kids, and all they do for families like ours.  They organized a golf clinic with a couple of Christian organizations where you got your first real taste of this sport.  You’re both hooked, and keep asking us when you get to take golf lessons :).

Beck won the putting challenge, and so one of the trainers had to make a sand angel :).

Asher, you looked like a total pro out there! You were creaming the balls and impressing the coaches! I decided to take a video, and later saw that you also creamed it on this shot, Beck! Little studs!

Lots of enjoying the weather and our backyard!

So desperate for more leaves to fall!

Flagstaff.  One of our favorite places!  Every year we are blessed to be able to stay in one of the most beautiful places, and just enjoy time together as a family.  I love that we have created so many memories together on our trips there.  We didn’t get as much snow as last year, but we still made the best of it, and you guys enjoyed adventuring around outside for hours.  You’d never be able to tell by your face here, Beck, but it was such a cute face I had to include it :).

While we were there, Daddy taught one of the sessions at our church’s student winter camp.  It was sweet to be able to peek in on what you’re going to experience in a few years, Asher, and not too far after him, Beck.  Beck, my favorite moment was when we were in Daddy’s session, you quietly stood by him for the 20 minutes he spoke.  It was so memorable and supportive and sweet that you wanted to be a part of what Daddy was doing.

We got free tickets to go and watch the Suns play!  We had so much fun!  Definitely a favorite we hope to do more!

Asher, you were so cute with all the work you put into your science project!  I don’t think I can include it here, but you made an awesome powerpoint presentation, which included this great video!

Beck, this is what you’ve been up to in school.  You cracked us and your teacher up with choosing to do your first animal report on this extinct dinosaur, haha!  We could only find 2 paragraphs of information on this animal, ha!  And, apparently you’re going to be loaded when you’re older, haha!

Grandma bought us tickets to go to this dinosaur exhibit that was in town…but it turned out to be kind of terrible and misrepresented, so we got our money back :).  But we will always remember that you saved us, Beck, with remembering exactly where our car was parked!  We were all amazed at your smart brain!

Beck, you are working so hard to get to the top of this mountain!  This was your highest today, great work!

Beck!  You lost your first tooth this month!  You were so excited, and we all enjoyed your little lisp while you adjusted to a hole in your mouth :).

So proud of you, Asher!  I may have mentioned this before, but you wrote a persuasive letter to your teacher explaining why you thought you would be a great Kindergarten helper.  You and a couple of other kids in your class have been awarded the responsibility to go into the two Kindergarten rooms and help the kiddos with their reading and writing.  You specifically asked your teacher if you could volunteer the same day I was volunteering because it was my birthday.  It was so thoughtful, and sweet to have my two boys in the same room together on my birthday.  You’re both blessings!

We’re also super proud of you for being responsible in caring for your body and the needs you have with cystic fibrosis, as well as for not letting it stop you from enjoying all that life has to offer!  You got up at 4:15am to get your treatments and a breakfast in, before you needed to be at school for your fieldtrip to Kartchner Caverns.


Shoe, feet, abdomen, head, belly, leg.  Adorable.

The beginning of the next 8 weeks of soccer!  We absolutely love these weeks of cheering you two on! 

One of our all-time fav videos! Way to go, Beck!

And a couple of fun 5 year old soccer-scrambling videos, ha!

More soccer fun to come, but this was January! Love you guys so much it hurts!!!



Mar 2018


It’s so fun decorating around the house for Christmas.  The boys love pulling out all our ornaments and memories together to decorate our tree.  Asher was thrilled to do the honors of putting the star on top of our tree this year!

So cute.  Beck made a gift for us in his classroom, and it was the first gift under our tree this year.

Christmas lights!

The boys had a fun-filled December at school with lots of partying.  Thankfully Beck’s teacher is awesome at capturing their fun times together, so we have some cute keepsakes.  We’re thankful the boys enjoyed their time in class and the first part of December, because the next few weeks that followed were pretty overcome with sickness…even on Christmas Day. 

Beck’s Ugly Christmas Shirt Day at school.  I asked him to smile and he said, “Mom, I’m a Christmas tree, we don’t smile, we just hold pretty things.”

So blessed to get to have two sweet family Christmas celebrations!

We will forever in a day cherish this picture.  So sweet.  Big brother helping little brother with his tie for Christmas Eve services at church.

Christmas Eve family photos before church.  

The night before Christmas.  Snacks and notes for Santa.  Asher’s says, “Dear Santa, I hope it’s not too late to say sorry about what I’ve said, if it is I would like nothing!  Just family cheer.  Asher.” (insert a big smile from us, ha!)  Beck’s says, “Thank you for the presents.  Beck”

White Elephant Exchange!

Christmas morning!  We had a fantastic day together with Grandma and Grandpa Necas hanging out in our backyard and making homemade pizzas!


Beck spent a lot of his piggy bank money, and some of Grandpa’s, to buy me these nice figurines from our neighbors garage sale.  He put these nice Cardinals by my bedside.  I love them, and he’s so sweet.  But, I was getting a bit of a rash thinking about having to wake up to these every morning, ha!  Thankfully, Daddy was brilliant and decided to name them the Christmas Cardinals, so now they will make a seasonal appearance :).

We enjoyed some fireworks, minute to win it games, popping balloons, and staying up way too late ringing in a new year!




Feb 2018


Daddy was gone, so we had a comfy, cozy movie night at home.  Both of the boys had to try out their skills with selfies, and did way better than I can!

Asher, just lounging and enjoying a relaxing morning.

My grandma used to let me sit and play in the flour.  It’s amazing how much fun that can be when you’re a kid, ha!  The tradition lives on!  It’s a terrible mess, but hard to complain when there’s so much fun happening :).

Our friend, Chase celebrated his birthday at an indoor trampoline place which also had hover boards.  Asher, you always amaze us how athletic you are.  You maybe have tried these things one time, but you jumped right on one and rode it like a pro the very first time.

This looks about right, ha!

Another beautiful AZ Sunset!

Beck’s Fall Festival was so stinkin’ cute!  He was so excited for us to come to their play, and have pie afterwards.  Here’s his sweet class.  I love that Asher made the picture.  He asked his teacher to get out of school a little early, and raced over himself so that he wouldn’t miss Beck’s performance :).

The cutest little pilgrim.

The cutest little Indian.  The kids wrote one thing they’re thankful for on their hats, and Beck wrote his teacher’s name.  Hello adorable!

I can’t handle how cute these videos are! Beck doesn’t seem to be that interested in performing arts, ha! At least for right now anyways. He may be lip-syncing everything, but because he’s a little shy he’s so brave to stand up there!

Thanksgiving!  So many things to be thankful for.  God is always taking care of us, challenging us, and holding us close.  We were blessed to be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with Grandma Joy Joy, Grandma and Grandpa Olimb, and Auntie Dana!

Asher and Beck were so excited to help decorate this year, it was awesome!  They were in charge of banners, and it was great seeing their creativity come to life :).

I love this picture.  And, I really love that Asher wasn’t sick this year and was able to dig in and enjoy enough food for two Thanksgivings :).

First year of our Thanksgiving Ping Pong tourney, and Auntie Dana took home the Championship!

These two are just cool cats :).

Beck is still enjoying his swimming lessons every week!  He’s working on the butterfly stroke, which is super complicated, but he’s doing awesome!  He was very excited because he got to swim in the outdoor pool this night :).

And, just because they’re cute!



Jan 2018


October.  Notoriously the busiest month of the year for us.  But, super full of fun memories!

We loved cheering you on this season, Asher!  It was fun watching you grow in your skill with ball handling and anticipation with passing.  Dad started paying you $3 for goals and assists this year, and your piggy bank filled up this season!

Driving for a goal!







This.  Right here.  Looking for his man to pass it too.  He’s so fun to watch play!


Asher got a lot of goalie time this year too.  He loves drop kicking! 

We’ll always be cheering for you, Buddy!

Asher is sharing his moves with his lil’ bro :).

We were so blessed to find this beautiful camping spot, and be able to enjoy a weekend with friends!  We hiked a huge mountain, painted pumpkins, rode bikes, went for a fall leaf walk, watched a movie under the stars, and just enjoyed the woods.  We had a great weekend!

We took a day trip with Grandma and Grandpa to Flagstaff!  We had a yummy lunch with the best apple pie, and took a ride on the chairlift to get a beautiful view!

One of the funniest memories.  This park ranger was drawing a crowd with the kids, and talking to them about animal fossils and foot prints.  We overheard the ranger saying, “If you’re interested…”  Beck excitedly responds, “Oh I’m gonna be interested!”  It was a crack up!

I got to chaperone Beck’s field trip to the pumpkin patch!  It’s so fun watching him hang out with his friends and have fun together!

I love how much he loved this! 

Our boy is a whole decade old!  So crazy hard to believe that Asher is 10 years old.  He’s been rockin’ our world and bringing joy to our family for a long time now.  It’s been a blessing being able to be his parents, and watch him grow!

Last night of the single digits!

Beck wins the award for picking out the cutest card ever!  He saw this pizza card, and wanted to buy it for his brother, ha!  It says, “Grandson” on the front and, “I love you to pizzas” on the inside.  LOL!

Beck spent his own money on this bow for Asher :).

We had a bit of a fish theme birthday for our little fisherman.  He got to have shrimp for breakfast, we bought him an aquarium for his gift, and we all as a family went to the new Aquarium together.  Asher had a great day celebrating his new decade.  We were thankful we didn’t wait until the next day to celebrate, because Asher came down with a high fever the night of his birthday.  So thankful we were able to celebrate him first!  He’s well worth a celebration!

We brought pizza in to his class, and then wisked him away early from school to the aquarium!

Sharks are Asher’s favorite!  Grandma and Grandpa bought us all a pass to the behind the scenes sharks tour!

Park date and lunch with friends!

Going to Top Golf is one of our favorite family things to do!

Beck wanted me to take a picture because it was our first bike ride with his two wheels :).

Rides with Grandpa at church!

Beck learned how to tie his shoes this month!

Asher loved this mask at Goodwill, ha!

Going to our library is also a favorite!

And, another family favorite!  

Beck is getting to be a real pro at his pfts!  

Beck had 50’s day at school.  This is about as cute as it gets.

Beck’s Fall Festival!  He’s not so into the performances, but he does love having us all be there for him, and he’s super excited about showing us all he’s learning :).

I can’t handle the toe-tap cuteness!

This is when the Fortnight craze began!  He loves playing with his cousins in FL!  

This year for Halloween the boys wanted to be inklings from Splatoon!  Unfortunately, they both were super sick that week, so they weren’t feeling themselves, especially Beck.  Beck was able to travel to a couple of houses though, so at least he got a little trick or treating in, but it was definitely an early night.  They’re so cute though, and played their parts well :).  They were so looking forward to this!

As if all these reasons weren’t enough, we have this.  We sure do love where we live!