
Feel the awesome.




Jul 2018


We wrapped up another season of soccer for the boys.  They both worked really hard in their division, met a lot of friends, made a lot of goals (one game, Dad said that he would pay $5 per goal, and both boys made 5 goals, ha!), and they’re both looking forward to the fall season to play again!

Asher had a rockin’ season!  He can play several positions, and excel at them all.  It’s so fun watching him play soccer, because he really has some skill, and we know how much he loves playing the game!  Everyone, even his coaches can tell.  Asher was awarded the All-Star Player this season, and we are so proud of his hard work and sportsmanship! 

His coaches are great!  They hosted a parents vs. players game after the last game of the year, followed by a water balloon fight and pizza party :).

So sweet to be able to attend Good Friday service with the fam outside under the stars.  It was beautiful.

Happy Easter 2018!

Unfortunately, Beck was really not feeling well at all.  The two of us weren’t able to join the family for church, but he was still a trooper and let us capture a moment together.  I tried for some pictures of the boys before we left, but that lastest about 30 seconds.  I didn’t realize how torturous that would be for little Punkers, so we obviously bailed…but his sweet face is so cute I still had to post them :).  There’s also another little cutie that I had to capture :).

Easter is one of our favs to celebrate!  It’s such a joyous day!  We had to postpone our traditions, but that’s ok, it was still worth it to celebrate Jesus resurrecting, even if it’s a little late.  And, I totally made the boys dress up again, because Easter pics are the best, and they’re going to be so much bigger next year, sniff sniff…

Dad’s scavenger hunts for the Easter baskets are the best!  And, it’s a rule that they are not able to even try to decode the clues without the Bunny Decoder Glasses, haha!

We like to grow Calvary Hill for a couple of weeks before Easter.  It’s a sweet tradition as we prepare to celebrate Easter.


It was a big night in our home when Beck finally received his very own Orkambi!  As a dad and mom, we couldn’t be more thankful for this med and what it represents in science moving towards a cure.  As Beck, he has been waiting to turn 6 years old, so that he could be old enough to take Orkambi just like his older brother :).  We had to go out and celebrate the night the magical box arrived in our home :).

The night Beck took his first dose of Orkambi we were able to celebrate the special occasion with the family.

2018 Great Strides Walk for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation – All these wonderful friends and family took the time to come out and be with us for the walk this year.  It’s a really humbling time for us as a family, to physically see and feel loved and supported from so many people God has blessed us with.  We are so thankful for each of these people, and the story of how God brought us all together.  It’s so sweet how much the boys enjoy “their walk” and how they’ve started to open up about their fight and invite their friends in to join us.  

Dr. Mia!  We are so thankful for the many ways she cares for the boys.

Beck’s Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Phillips!

Asher’s 4th Grade teacher, Ms. Vehon!

Uncle Lance’s last night visiting.  We were thankful to have him here and share in some family memories together!

Daddy + Beck – Haircut + Dinner date :).

Beck wrapped up about 3 years of swimming lessons!  We decided to stop lessons because of our summer break and a new school schedule, but I could see us coming full circle back to this sport.  Beck loved every second of his lessons, and he’s a really great swimmer!  Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa Necas for supporting him in this endeavor :).

Also, love where we live!  It’s so our town that we can say good morning to the horses, before going into swimming lessons :).

Lots of morning walks and play time at the park next to our house :).

Beck’s teacher is the best.  She had a zoo going on in their classroom for the last quarter, so the kids could watch things hatch and swim and grow.  So sweet!

Asher was the Kindergarten helper every Wednesday, and he had the privilege of cuddling the little chickies too.

Swimming at Grandma and Grandpa’s is such a treat!

We have some hummingbirds that love hanging around our house.  They hover around the window to say hi to us during breakfast.  Beck is determined to get one of them to land on his finger :). 

Asher has pretty much perfected a potato recipe, and shared his creation with our community group this night.  It was a hit :).

Beck and I had some time to kill before a birthday party he was going to.  The mall is such a fun place to walk around, window shop, and see some puppies :).

Beck set the table, and made us signs for our dinner.  He’s such a sweet treat to have as a son :).  Love our little family.



  • by rachelolimb
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  • Jul 17, 2018
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