
Feel the awesome.




Aug 2010

Fire Station Tour

What better way to tour a fire station then with a bunch of friends!  Asher wanted to see the fire station so we setup a tour and invited a bunch of friends.  It was such a great morning and tour!  The firemen were so nice and showed us their kitchen/conference area, gym, sleeping quarters, the pole and slide they go down when there is an emergency, their uniforms, and of course the fire trucks.  The guys didn’t seem overwhelmed with all the kids, and were fine with letting them climb all over their trucks.  They were so nice, and even gave the kids junior firemen hats after the tour.

On a side note, I just love getting a bunch of kids together and trying to get a group shot, you never know what you’re going to get!  Some don’t want their picture taken, some can’t stand still, and some just stand their and pose beautifully, it’s hilarious!  And watching all the kids either proudly display their fireman hat or frantically rip it off their heads as quickly as possible just makes me laugh.  It’s so fun getting a group of kids together and watching their little personalities come out!  Thanks friends for joining us and making it a fun morning and tour!  Thanks Kristina for making popcorn for the kids, and Krista for bringing juice boxes!!!  What a great way to end the tour!



  1. Reply

    You are such a fun Mommy!

  2. Reply

    What a great idea it looked like fun.

  3. Reply

    The tour was a blast! Thank you Asher for inviting your friends to join you. Having all the people there that it that much more fun!! Rachel, I want photography lessons, you take amazing pictures! I love the photo of Asher on the floor of the lobby. Cool!!!

  4. Reply

    What a great idea! Wish we could have been there to join in the fun!

  5. Reply

    That is awesome!!! What a cool “field trip” 🙂

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