
Feel the awesome.




May 2015


I really cannot believe how quickly the months tick by.  It’s currently the end of April.  But, these memories are too precious to gloss over… Bike rides with Grandma and Grandpa.  Beck really enjoys teasing Grandpa about taking him through the tunnel and over the bridge, and not holding his hand, ha!  Teasing Grandpa about drinking his chocolate milk and using his bathroom are also really high on his list of favorites too :). FullSizeRender (37)small

Punkie is doing awesome at his swimming lessons!  He got to ring the beloved bell, and graduated to his next class.  He’s now a “Sea Lion”. IMG_1602small

Thank you, Hope Kids.  This beautiful organization has given us so many fun memories with the boys!  I got to take Asher to his first Phoenix Suns game!  God blessed us with a super exciting and close game too.  We won by a few points, but it was a total nail biter!  Asher and I were jumping out of our seats, and our throats hurt from yelling so much :).




Beck loves to wear his masks!  He frequently needs to pause the wrestling matches with Daddy so he can go to his room to change up superheros :).



At teacher conference, Asher’s teacher gave us this letter that Asher wrote. It’s such a crack up, and definitely a forever keeper. It says, Hi I am Asher Olimb and I am the author of this book what makes me happy. The thing that makes me happy is drum roll please, my brother Beck. He makes me happy because I love him so much and when I go to school I miss him so very much because I don’t get to see him in 5 hours and that is so long but here is the exciting part, at the end of school I get to see my brother. And that is it, I will see you next time when I will write about my happiness. He loves his brother so much! IMG_1960small

His brother loves his so much too!  This video at Asher’s Fun Run is so cute!  Beck was cheering for Asher, and he was so desperate for a hug…and to tell him that he bit his finger :).

Speaking of Fun Run.  Asher ran 58 laps!  His goal was to run 35.  He did amazing!!  And, he let his cheerleader come with him on his victory lap :).IMG_5055small





The cutest selfies ever.




I love date nights with Asher.  He’s getting so big.  He legitimately beat me twice at air hockey this night! IMG_2178small


Walking “brodder” to school.


Poor little Punker’s bike got swiped from our front yard.  We left his bike out during our week for uncontained trash, and someone got a really cheap, and beloved bike of ours.  I hope some little boy is really enjoying it right this minute!  That thought makes the sentimental feelings hurt a little less :).  Grandma and Grandpa Olimb bought Beck an early birthday gift to fill his little heart back up :).  Welcome to the family Major Damage Magna!    IMG_2024

Asher is still WAAAAYYYYY into Pokemon.  He organizes his binder of cards, has several books about Pokemon that he pours over, trades his cards with his friends…he’s a nut about it.  It’s cute.

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Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Olimb, and Grandma Joy Joy, Jeremy and I got to get away to celebrate Jeremy’s birthday!  We enjoyed two days in complete beauty!  We’ll never forget it!







  • by rachelolimb
  • 1 Comment
  • May 01, 2015
  • Standard

One Comment

  1. Reply
    Grandma Olimb

    So blessed to be a part of these special memories. Love you guys!

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