
Feel the awesome.




Apr 2014

2014 Silent Auction


We just wanted to share the results from the auction this year on the boys’ blog, so one day they can see all the beautiful people who fought for them!


We are thrilled to announce that you all donated $27,144.95 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation!!!  We are completely shaken by this number!!!  We know there is so much going on in each of your lives and yet you gave. You gave to the Foundation on behalf of our boys.  It’s humbling to have so many people stand beside us and support us in this pursuit for a cure for them.  We fight for freedom from this terrible disease and all that it brings to them every single day.  We long for the day that this is made right and the battle is over.  Thank you for sacrificially supporting this fight and for not giving up. The cure is out there.  Find it!





We have so many amazing friends and family to thank for making the silent auction successful.  From stuffing envelopes, to soliciting for items, making centerpieces, donating your products/services, taking beautiful photos of our event, providing food for all our guests, organizing volunteers to make the event happen, helping with setup, praying…our army is big.  We have countless stories to share with the boys about how the community and the church came together to fight for them.


We thank you.  Thank you for all your love.  You also blessed us with $3823, which will go directly into an account to help with medical expenses for Asher and Beck!!  We are excited to order them some new equipment and have help with the ongoing medical expenses.  Our hearts are so full.  It’s hard to find the words to express how loved and cared for we feel.  Thank you friends.  We love you.

And, here’s what Daddy does.  He creates from his heart, for his boys.  It’s the most beautiful.

2014 teamASHER+BECK Cystic Fibrosis Promo from teamAsher on Vimeo.



  1. Reply
    G&G Necas

    Wow,That’s Fantastic-Great Job well done!

  2. Reply

    Dear Rachel and Jeremy,
    You both worked so hard and we all love coming to the auction. We arrive full of anticipation at seeing all the work you’ve done come together in one big beautiful amazing package. And then add to that, the excitement of seeing friends and feeling part of something bigger than all of us together. It’s a beautiful night that’s all over too soon. We walk away feeling confident that God saw and God knows how much we want to see an end to this disease, to see it powerless in your boys lives. So we recommit to pray for God to exceed our hopes and expectations and give you strength to persevere in the year ahead. And we trust God to redeem this difficult challenge and give you faith to believe in God’s goodness in His timing and purposes. Asher and Beck, you boys are beautiful and strong and full of dynamic, endearing personality. Your parents are exceptional. Your grandparents are so committed to you, so devoted and so loving. We all love to come around and cheer for you. You have won our hearts. You are one unbeatable Team Asher/Beck and you are so very loved.

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