
Feel the awesome.




Jan 2011

New Compressor + Art Show

Asher has a new compressor that we are very excited about!!!  He has had the same model compressor to run his nebulizers since he was about a month old, so he was ready to hit the big time.  This new compressor will last him forever, will give him the proper flow and pressure for his meds, and we’ve seen a bit of a decrease in the time it takes to administer each drug.  We’re back on our Tobi rotation again, so with having to do Albuterol, Hypertonic Saline, Pulmozyme, and Tobi, every minute we can shave off is a victory!  This thing is legit, and we love it.  It’s pretty comical how excited we can get about new medical equipment :).

These beautiful children (you have to read about them below!) are to thank for Asher’s new compressor…

Are they not adorable!!!  Here is Asher trying in his best 3 year old, cute and goofy, way to thank them and show them his new compressor.  Apparently I had my finger over the mic for part of it and I’m noticing now it’s really shaky, but it was early in the morning, ha!  We just wanted to thank the children and show them how they have loved and cared for Asher…


These children are students of Tapestry of the Desert Home School Co-op.  This past November, they hosted an art show and sale with all the money going to our family to help with medical expenses for Asher and Paxon.

These incredible children spent hours and hours lovingly using their talents and interests to bless our family.  There were paintings, crocheted items, pens with flowers on them made out of duck tape, photography, drawings, art made out of magazine pages…everything was beautiful!  The love, time, and heart that these children put into making each piece of art blew Jeremy and I away.  I wish I had pictures of everything they made for a keepsake.  It brought us so much joy having the children walk us around and show us the pieces they had created.  And, on top of the children filling the room with their beautiful art, they were also asked by their parents to each use their own money and purchase art that their friends had made.  So after many wonderful friends stopped by to support the event, the children were scrambling around the room so excited to buy their favorite pieces.  It was so sweet.

Jeremy and I were literally at a loss for words when they revealed the grand total to us that night.  The children raised for our family, $2,033.30!!!!  We still cannot get over this number.  We are forever grateful to these children, and their wonderful parents who worked even harder at planning, organizing, and promoting this event!  We love you all so much!

They have also continued to follow our family and have faithfully prayed for Paxon and all of us.  These children have once again been a reminder to me about how much God has a purpose for children.  They may be little, but they are so mighty and can impact this world for Christ.  This week they all made us beautiful sympathy cards, and completely ministered to my heart.  Children truly are a gift.



  1. Reply

    Oh children are such precious gifts…what an awesome thing that they blessed you with such an incredible gift as well as blessed your hearts with those sweet cards.

  2. Reply

    SO sweet! I love his shaky, little voice and how happy he is. What a magnificent display of God’s grace. I want to go squeeze each of those kiddos myself:)

  3. Reply

    How precious Rachel. What a gift children are in healing and restoration. God provides in ways we could never imagine. Thank you for sharing your life with us…we are all truly blessed!

  4. Reply

    Ahhh, what a great story and sweet kids! Those letters from them are too precious. Yay for the new machine and the decrease in treatment time! I am still amazed by all the wonderful people you guys are surrounded by. God is Great!

  5. Reply

    Thank you to all the children and their parents who showered our family with so much love, support and encouragement. What a blessing to be able to cut back on the amount of time it takes for Asher’s treatment. Great job, Asher, on your demo video…so precious!

  6. Reply

    Wow,what a great donation that is!Cutting time off his treatments too.It sounds like it was something to see.

  7. Reply

    Imagine children loving a child they have never met! I see Jesus in all of this and HE is amazing! Thank you for sharing…the thank you letters totally made me tear up.

  8. Reply

    Those letters. . .wow. Tearing up big time over here. Those are just precious.

  9. Reply

    I just read this and watched the video and Sydney watched it with me and wants to keep watching it over and over again. When she saw ashers mask she said…”Seth has that one too” I am so glad he got this new compressor and I totally know what you mean when you get so excited about new medical equipment! We love you guys and praying always.

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