
Feel the awesome.




Dec 2010

All Asher

Poor Asher.  I just uploaded my photos to my laptop and there were a whopping 23 photos on there, usually I have over 500.  Just another example of how tired I am, how we haven’t been doing much, and how the little man has really taken a backseat to all the appointments and things that need to get done before Paxon comes.  Through it all though he has been amazing.  He continues to be such a joy in our lives.  He’s always crackin’ us up with the things he says and does.  This morning he was shaking his booty at me and said, “You wanna rub my booty!”  And, all morning long we’ve been building towers, just so he can knock them down with his light saber, which is hilarious to watch.  He’s definitely all boy, and constantly on the go.  He really Carpe Diems all day, every day.

I wanted to record something that happened the other day at Joe’s Farm Grill (thanks to a dinner out from our wonderful gift givers!  Don’t even get me started on this topic!), it was a dinner I will never forget.  We were eating outside in the picnic table area and about 6 other boys (all older) started running around playing tag and hide-n-seek.  Of course Asher could barely contain himself.  Running is his love language.  If we’re in a store or outside waiting on something I’m constantly “timing” him to see how fast he can run from one wall to the next.  He is at peace when he’s running…which can also cause a little tension between him and mommy and daddy, but all in all we’re thrilled he likes to run because it’s like he’s getting another vest treatment in for the day.

So for the next 45 minutes Jeremy and I just sat there and watched Asher run and play with the boys.  He was extremely giddy, and it was so adorable to watch him running with his big, round CF belly out front and his little legs and arms swishin’ back and forth trying to keep up with the big dogs.  He was playing so nicely, saying “excuse me” and “oops, I’m sorry” if he ran into someone, and cheering for his new friends.  I found myself saying out loud, “My God I love him!”  I feel like we’re constantly having to remind Asher of his manners, how to play nice, and how to be gentle.  It was a sweet, proud moment for Jeremy and me to watch him display all of these characteristics.

I did realize something about myself though.  I think I have a hard time letting him go, even in the simplest of things like playing tag with a group of boys right in front of me.  I was sort of a nervous wreck watching him run around because it was dark, and the ground was uneven, and there were trees and picnic tables and a sidewalk that was just calling for a head injury.  I kept yelling out to Asher, “be careful honey, look up while you’re running, you’re “it” and now you need to catch someone else, watch out for that hole…”  Every time Jeremy just looked at me shaking his head and saying, “Rach, stop.”

It was almost like Asher knew I was having a hard time because he was so gracious to me.  Whenever I would shout out a reminder he would say, “Ok, Mommy!” and keep running.  At one point Asher and two other boys ran over to hide behind a tree, which just so happened to be right next to a side street.  I couldn’t control myself, I walked over there and said, “honey you shouldn’t be playing over here by the street.”  Of course I tipped off the seeker and all the boys there were found.  Asher’s response, “Ok, Mommy!  Let’s play again!”  This was probably a good lesson for me, because I’m sure when he gets older he won’t be ok with me busting in on his games, and instead I’ll be the mom who embarrasses him…ugh…I don’t want to be THAT mom…but sheesh, it’s going to be hard to let him go.

Well, it’s confirmed.  Asher really does not like the idea of sitting on Santa’s lap.  He’s all crazy about the idea beforehand, and then when the time comes, he loses his mind!  So here’s Santa with Jeremy and Asher :).

For some reason, Asher thinks the horse and buggy belong on the bridge, even though it’s obvious they don’t fit.  Every day he’s putting them back in their spot, ha!

Asher hiked a mountain!!!  On their “Asher Daddy Day” Jeremy took him on a hike, and he made it all the way to the top of the mountain.  Jeremy said there were parts of it that were really steep, but this didn’t stop our boy.  Take that CF!!!!

We love you, Asher, and are so thankful for the little person you are becoming!



  1. Reply

    He really doesn’t look like he likes Santa,wonder why?Letting go is always a tough one-baby steps,your doing great!

  2. Reply

    LOVE THAT BOY!! You don’t have to let go. Your mom is right….wiat awhile on that one. He’s too precious to let go of yet. Hold on to every sweet wonderful second with him. It looks like you went to Bass Pro for Santa…that’s so great! I bet he felt like he was in North Dakota! Those mall santas would never let Jeremy be in the picture like that. I love this story and these sweet pictures. You are a wonderful mom. Don’t ever change.

  3. Reply

    What a sweet sweet HEART! Just love him!!! Crackin me up with Santa. Santa and Jeremy just carry on like nothing is happening, while Asher is petrified! I love it! He was most certainly chosen for you and you for him…and there wouldn’t be any other way to have it! Thank you Lord for little boys…especially ASHER!

  4. Reply

    Lorraine, we DID go to Bass Pro Shop! Except you must have some magical powers over our boy because he was terrified at the thought of going to see the huge bear he held hands with when he was with you. We couldn’t even go look at the fish in the tank because of the tall animals peering over the edge looking down, ha!

  5. Reply

    Glad to see you are enjoying your Christmas village. I agree with Asher. That horse and buggy should be on the bridge…what were they thinking?
    This will surprise Jeremy immensely 🙂 but I totally agree with your loving guidance and protection over Asher.

  6. Reply

    Okay, this post brought tears to my eyes! Asher has such a tender little heart. It’s as if he knows there is a lot going on and is being extra good and gentle for you. You guys should be proud of yourselves for raising such a caring, little boy! Ben loves to run too and has a high amount of energy so I totally get where you are coming from. Most of the time it’s a good thing but not all places and it can really stress me out. I know both boys will be channeling that energy to kick CF’s butt though! Continuously thinking of you guys Rachel, especially as the big day gets closer. Thank you for keeping us updated as I’m sure you’re exhausted and have a ton of other things to do.

  7. Reply

    Awww…he is so sweet! And so adorable. I can’t believe how big he is getting.

  8. Reply

    I just LOVE this post, Rachel! God gave Asher exactly what he needs to be just fine through everything you have to do for Paxon. You can be intentional and try to make sure he’s getting what he needs, but beyond that, don’t let guilt sneek in. He’s going to be a better person because of his brother. More loving, more patient, more caring, and so proud of “his baby”!! We love you.

  9. Reply

    You ARE such a great mom. The reason you want to keep him so close is because you love him, shouldn’t be any other way. Asher’s so blessed to be YOUR boy. And I am blessed to be your friend. I love that you share so much. You’ll never know how much I have learned from you:)

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