
Feel the awesome.




Nov 2010


I forgot to mention in the last post that Asher didn’t actually think we were in California until we got to Disneyland.  When we woke up the first morning we were there we told Asher we were going to the beach he said, “nnnnooooo, I wanna go to California!” meaning Disneyland, ha!  So when the day actually came and we were going to Disneyland he freaked.

We had the most beautiful day again at Disney, and had such a fabulous time together as a family!  We were there for 12 hours, and Asher was awake and going strong for 11 of those 12 hours.  We couldn’t believe he made it that long, but we were a little bummed when he decided to crash right before the fireworks and snow on main street!  Oh well, Jeremy and I enjoyed some peaceful shopping and taking in the night scene.

The place we were staying was about 30 mins from Disneyland, and we didn’t want to have to leave the park to do his treatment and drive back again.  So the week before I spoke with the First Aid office on site and they were so helpful!  I figured this wasn’t a new thing for them since they deal with a lot of children with medical needs.  They told us they would store all of his equipment and meds, and allow us to use one of their private rooms to do his treatment in.  So that’s what we did!  It was so nice to be able to pop in there, give him what he needed, and pop back out to the Christmas parade.

On another medical note, we got a medical pass for Asher and bypassed ALL of the huge lines!!  Just to give you an idea of how awesome it was, we walked up to Peter Pan and were on and off the ride in under 10 mins.  When Jeremy and I went years ago it took us about an hour to get on that ride.  It. Was. Awesome.  If you have a little cfer or someone with medical needs and want to try this too, all we did was have our doctor write a letter on our behalf stating what Asher has, and why waiting in lines and being around crowds of people are not good for his health.  We took this letter (but honestly, we didn’t even really need it because we had all of his equipment with us at the time) and went to City Hall which is right off main street.  We told the nice man our situation and he gave us a pass to be able to go through all of the handicapped lines.  We were usually the only ones there, or sometimes we were waiting with one or two other people.  It is so incredible that Disneyland offers these services to people and children!!!

Asher got to meet Woody and Jessie, which we thought was going to rock his world…except for the fact that he was completely terrified of them!!!  He was so scared, but we figured he would love to have the picture after wards, so we pretty much dragged him kicking and protesting.  Of course after we left he asked to go back and see them.  Classic.

The Christmas parade was a highlight for all of us!  Snow White even blew Asher a kiss.  He’s very proud to talk about this every time we look at this picture :).

Evidence that Asher was beyond exhausted.  The last time he fell asleep on my shoulder was…well, I don’t even know…I’m pretty sure he wasn’t even walking though.  It was so sweet.

Thanks, Disneyland, we’ll be back!!!



  1. Reply

    so incredible and beautiful! LOVE the pic of asher sleeping on your shoulder…SO glad you guys had an amazing time! 🙂

  2. Reply

    Those pictures are absolutely the best! The joy and excitement in his eyes is priceless and then the sweet picture of him sleeping on your shoulder…what a moment! So happy you guys had the most amazing time!!!!!

  3. Reply

    What a gift to not have to leave the park to go to treatments! That is awesome. Sunds like a trip you’ll never forget. So glad you had such a wonderful time.

  4. Reply

    How fun!! Loved seeing those pics! That pic of Asher sleeping on your shoulder is absolutely precious! And I agree…what an awesome gift to not have to leave the park for treatments…and that you got to go to the front of lines!!

  5. Reply

    I didnt realize there had been so many updates so it took me a bit to read through them all…lol…. So glad you all had a fantastic trip… and next time we go we will be getting that pass, and do our treatments there (what a great idea)… Your pictures are awesome as always, love the beach… and yes isnt it just amazing how they can swallow so many pills, I was just thinking that this morning, cuz Lane piles them in lol lol.. As far as the antibiotic, I really pushed for a pill form, sometimes they can get you one and sometimes they cant, but lane HATES the taste so I make it a point to always ask the Doctor since he would much rather have the pill ( he even hates the chewables, he wants just the pill)… Glad Ash got his 4 pounds back, that would scare me… My husband and I are always worried about the weight, it is just engraved in the brain of a CF parent I guess… so happy to hear that some things are being resolved with pax, I know you still have a long road ahead, but the news on the heart is sounding better every day… We will keep praying for you all… Hugs Marcy

  6. Reply

    So fun!!! I love all your pictures and some of them are even as a family. Cute headband, Rach.

  7. Reply

    You’ve out done yourself with these pictures,I’m always amazed at how you seem to always capture just that right moment!Great Job Honey

  8. Reply

    Oh, Rach, what a wonderful trip! I’m so happy that it was everything you guys hope it would be! And 11 out of 12 hours?! Ash, you rock!

  9. Reply

    Snow White has some excellent taste!

  10. Reply

    love the churro in one hand and the chocolate ice cream bar in the other! that is doing it right!! 🙂

  11. Reply

    Great Vacation! I love Disney.

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