
Feel the awesome.




Jun 2018


The boys’ school has quarterly cottage fairs, where they invite family to come into their classrooms and show us all the things they’ve been learning that quarter.  Beck had a lot of stories to share with us at this cottage fair, he has been working really hard at his writing!  He’s such a great little reader too!

Asher always says that he’s not interested in being a part of plays or the drama club, but every time he has a role, he does so well with getting into character :).

Sweet Beck.  You have a bit of a hard time when it’s your turn for blood work and cultures.  We are so thankful for patient nurses, and Daddy being willing to conference call in to help coach you through.  It’s really a challenge for you, and for us to have to ask you to walk through hard things.  We pray for a cure all the time.  But as we wait, we are thankful that even though you don’t like doing hard things, you are brave.

So thankful they have each other.

Beck’s first fun run!  He was so excited to be a part of the big event!  He was really sick the week before, so we were thankful he was able and felt well enough to have this memory for keeps!  He did awesome!!

It was so fun to see Asher out having recess while we were cheering Beck on at the fun run :).

Asher.  You always rock the fun run!  You’ve been built for events like this that require strength, determination, and perseverance.  We love you so much!

Beck was so excited to turn 6 so that he was old enough to join us at Feed My Starving Children!  We love doing this as a family!  Beck was in charge of weighing the bags, and Asher was helping with every station!  We had such a fun time together :).

It was also a huge deal that Beck turned 6 years old, because it meant that we could submit and request for him to be put on Orkambi, just like Asher.  Orkambi is the first drug that has been created to help at a cellular level correct the two huge problems this mutation causes in the boys’ bodies.  There are side effects and concerns, so Beck had to have a few tests done before like an eye exam.  And, of course we had to celebrate :).

Beck’s 6 year old birthday!  We are so thankful that God chose us to care for him!!  He is a blessing to all of us!  Jeremy and I were gone for his actual birthday, but we did get to have a few celebrations before we left, and thankfully Grandma and Grandpa Olimb and Grandma Joy Joy were ready and willing to make Beck feel so loved and special!!

Last night of being a 5 year old!

Jeremy and I had another opportunity to go to March on the Hill and advocate for our cystic fibrosis community.  We’ve felt so honored to be invited, and able to spend time with friends who are all fighting for protections for everyone in our community.  So thankful to Grandma and Grandpa Olimb and Grandma Joy Joy for caring for the boys while we were gone!!

Still enjoying cheering on our two little soccer stars!  Mr. Austin came to join in with us too!


At home fun!

We were giggling the whole time through the store.  We literally left your shoes at home, and realized it when I was dropping you off at school!  We piggy-backed it throughout the store buying you a new pair of shoes so you could go to school :).

Celebrating friends!

So proud of Beck.  He wrote an opinion letter to the Principal asking him to let Kindergartners be a part of the Otter Pop sales the school does so they can help their school raise money too.

Overall, the boys had some rough patches in March with sickness, but we are still so thankful for all of these memories.


  • by rachelolimb
  • 1 Comment
  • Jun 02, 2018
  • Standard

One Comment

  1. Reply
    Grandma Olimb

    Another great post, Rachel. So many wonderful memories and pictures which will be cherished for years to come.

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