
Feel the awesome.




Jan 2018


October.  Notoriously the busiest month of the year for us.  But, super full of fun memories!

We loved cheering you on this season, Asher!  It was fun watching you grow in your skill with ball handling and anticipation with passing.  Dad started paying you $3 for goals and assists this year, and your piggy bank filled up this season!

Driving for a goal!







This.  Right here.  Looking for his man to pass it too.  He’s so fun to watch play!


Asher got a lot of goalie time this year too.  He loves drop kicking! 

We’ll always be cheering for you, Buddy!

Asher is sharing his moves with his lil’ bro :).

We were so blessed to find this beautiful camping spot, and be able to enjoy a weekend with friends!  We hiked a huge mountain, painted pumpkins, rode bikes, went for a fall leaf walk, watched a movie under the stars, and just enjoyed the woods.  We had a great weekend!

We took a day trip with Grandma and Grandpa to Flagstaff!  We had a yummy lunch with the best apple pie, and took a ride on the chairlift to get a beautiful view!

One of the funniest memories.  This park ranger was drawing a crowd with the kids, and talking to them about animal fossils and foot prints.  We overheard the ranger saying, “If you’re interested…”  Beck excitedly responds, “Oh I’m gonna be interested!”  It was a crack up!

I got to chaperone Beck’s field trip to the pumpkin patch!  It’s so fun watching him hang out with his friends and have fun together!

I love how much he loved this! 

Our boy is a whole decade old!  So crazy hard to believe that Asher is 10 years old.  He’s been rockin’ our world and bringing joy to our family for a long time now.  It’s been a blessing being able to be his parents, and watch him grow!

Last night of the single digits!

Beck wins the award for picking out the cutest card ever!  He saw this pizza card, and wanted to buy it for his brother, ha!  It says, “Grandson” on the front and, “I love you to pizzas” on the inside.  LOL!

Beck spent his own money on this bow for Asher :).

We had a bit of a fish theme birthday for our little fisherman.  He got to have shrimp for breakfast, we bought him an aquarium for his gift, and we all as a family went to the new Aquarium together.  Asher had a great day celebrating his new decade.  We were thankful we didn’t wait until the next day to celebrate, because Asher came down with a high fever the night of his birthday.  So thankful we were able to celebrate him first!  He’s well worth a celebration!

We brought pizza in to his class, and then wisked him away early from school to the aquarium!

Sharks are Asher’s favorite!  Grandma and Grandpa bought us all a pass to the behind the scenes sharks tour!

Park date and lunch with friends!

Going to Top Golf is one of our favorite family things to do!

Beck wanted me to take a picture because it was our first bike ride with his two wheels :).

Rides with Grandpa at church!

Beck learned how to tie his shoes this month!

Asher loved this mask at Goodwill, ha!

Going to our library is also a favorite!

And, another family favorite!  

Beck is getting to be a real pro at his pfts!  

Beck had 50’s day at school.  This is about as cute as it gets.

Beck’s Fall Festival!  He’s not so into the performances, but he does love having us all be there for him, and he’s super excited about showing us all he’s learning :).

I can’t handle the toe-tap cuteness!

This is when the Fortnight craze began!  He loves playing with his cousins in FL!  

This year for Halloween the boys wanted to be inklings from Splatoon!  Unfortunately, they both were super sick that week, so they weren’t feeling themselves, especially Beck.  Beck was able to travel to a couple of houses though, so at least he got a little trick or treating in, but it was definitely an early night.  They’re so cute though, and played their parts well :).  They were so looking forward to this!

As if all these reasons weren’t enough, we have this.  We sure do love where we live!



  1. Reply
    Grandma Olimb

    Wow, what a fun-filled month. So many great memories and beautiful pictures. Love being able to spend time with you guys ❤️

  2. Reply
    G&G Necas

    We are so very proud of Asher and all his accomplishments he has made in his love for soccer! So amazed at how fast time goes as Asher is 10 now-Again Thanks Honey for all the pictures&video’s

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