
Feel the awesome.




Apr 2014

Beck Ellis


He’s two.  It’s hard to believe.  This little face brings loads of joy to our family, and it’s truly a treat to take care of him.  We have so many favorite things that Punkers does right now that we want to remember…

Daddy’s list of favorites: when he grabs your hand and says “mere” (come here); riding his little scooter car all around the house; the WWF wrestling fake fall (Jeremy pretends to punch him and Beck falls to the floor); how proud he gets of the lego towers he builds; instead of saying yes he says “yep, umm hmm, sure”; he always wants to take a picture together when I have my phone; his obsession with “Tommy”.

Mommy’s list of favorites –  he sleeps until about 9:00am :); I love his big “BYE!” and hand waves to everyone; when he lays on my shoulder; I love kissing his squishy little neck;  listening to him sing “Twinkle Twinkle”; how often he comes up to me through out the day and says, “hug, hug” with his arms up in the air; when he gives thumbs up, he squinches up his little nose; the way he tries to mimic everything Asher does; he’s still trying to figure out his laugh, and sometimes he tries out this cackly laugh that sounds like Goofy; when he wants his music on in the car he says, “Mommy, turn up, turn up, music.”; I love how he’s two, but he still has so much snuggly baby in him, it warms my heart; whenever we’re out in public and Asher leaves our side, he puts one hand around his mouth and starts shouting, “ASHER!!”  It’s pretty helpful actually, ha!; how if we try to pretend we’re going to drop him, or throw him in the air, he holds on tight and says, “all done, all done”; he won’t eat anything without “dip dip” which is ketchup; and I love watching him snuggle his orange bear.

Asher’s list of favorites: when he grabs my hand to show me something and says, “hand, hand”; I love that he can build towers by himself; I love when he gets scared and wants me to hold him; when he makes us laugh when he plays with his tongue; I love watching him run with his chubby, little legs; I love playing hide and seek together but he mostly follows me so he knows where I’m hiding, it’s so cute; I love playing in our clubhouse together and he always says, “winnie-a-pooh”; I love every time I hold my hand on Beck’s face and I punch it away like wrestling, he falls down on his side.



Grandmas and Grandpas and Auntie Dana were here for the auction this year, so we figured we should have a little party while they were here to celebrate this sweet face!  The look on his face here is a total crack-up!  Business time, ha!




He got a “Tommy” toothbrush, and for some reason we decided to take it away…complete monsters!




We love you so much, Punkie Bear!!!




  1. Reply
    G&G Necas

    Loved the video,it was so fun celebrating his big day!

  2. Reply
    Grandma Olimb

    So much fun…Great reminders of a special day celebrating Beck!

  3. Reply

    He’s just so stinkin adorable. And I love the way Asher always looks so amused by him. Can’t believe he’s already 2!!!

  4. Reply

    He is the sweetest child with the gentle quiet spirit that melts a heart. Oh you are so blessed to have him. What a gift. I love that you wrote all the specific things you each loved about him. He’s so special.

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