
Feel the awesome.




May 2009

South Shindigity!

We had a rock ’em sock ’em time today at the South home!  So many fun activities for the kids, great food, great friends, and I’m guessing a child who will sleep in tomorrow :).  Asher was so busy checking out all the fun toys, and playing with the kids that he had this glossy-eyed (kind of scary, ha!) look to him on the car ride home.


There were a lot of super wet things for Asher to play on, but for some reason he took the much dryer route and preferred the land toys.  Not sure why, but I do know we need a little house in our backyard like this one.  He loved going in and out and in and out, and sweeping and raking.


Oh, I love these pictures!  Asher is so in to Sammie!  He’s listening to every word she’s saying, laughing hysterically, and then hugging her for the fun times.


Sammie won the bid at Asher’s fundraiser for this adorable pinata, hand-made by Kristie Braselton.  It was the perfect activity for all the kids!  Asher really took a couple good whacks at it – well, you can see how hard he was swinging by the picture of Jeremy flinching, ha!  Meagan even had Abby Cadabby party hats!  She plans things down to the fine details.  Um.  Yeah.  Meagan and I just understand each other :).


No blindfold.  Lots of examples of where to place the tail.  People to follow.  Nope, not Asher.  He’s a leader, ha!

Thank you so much, Peter, Meagan, Sammie, and Mr. Cole-train, for inviting us to your fun party!!!  We love you!!!



  1. Reply

    Well, he’s started a love affair with candy. Looks like he is sitting there mesmerized eating it! I love the flinching Jeremy picture….makes me laugh out loud. This looked like a day where you sum up with the phrase… is sweet.

  2. Reply

    What great fun. Parties are the best.

  3. Reply
    Meagan South

    We had such a blast with your little guy-he is a hoot and a half. So gentle and loving. I now have his little laugh in my permanent memory:) I think a pinata is in the future for his next birthday? I hope you got to sleep in!!!
    AND-I too love the picture of scared-for-his-life Jeremy!

  4. Reply

    Dito on the Jeremy picture…that cracked me up…ha! And I love that he placed the tail right on the belly of the donkey! 🙂 Definitely a leader!! Ha!

  5. Reply

    That kid knows how to party like a rock star!

  6. Reply

    Hey Asher, come over to Graham’s house! He has a little house just like that one. He’ll make you sand soup and sand cake!

  7. Reply

    Oh, a bit sad to see Abby meet her end, but that was her destiny, afterall! Glad she went to a real Abby Cadabby fan.

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