
Feel the awesome.




May 2009

So Much Love To Give

Our friends, Travis, Jessica, and their little peanut, Justus, came over to visit.  Whenever Asher is around other kids I’m always reminded how much he needs it.  He gets so excited, he can barely (not really at all) control himself.  He had so many hugs and kisses to give his little friend, we started to feel bad Justus, ha!



  1. Reply
    Meagan South

    Oh my gosh-he looks so big! We can’t wait to get his hugs and kisses!!!

  2. Reply

    The second photo reminds me of the u-tube video about “Charley who bite my finger” So fun.

  3. Reply

    Such cute pics! Addysen wants to know if she can come play soon too! 🙂

  4. Reply

    He’s cracking me up! And you wanted him to sit on a blanket. This boy has a big life going on.

  5. Reply

    Certainly a lover, not a fighter!

  6. Reply

    ha ha! justus’ face in that first one is classic!! trav is so proud that he already sent a link of this to all our family 🙂

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