
Feel the awesome.




Jan 2011

Asher Time

The last few days have once again been a very tearful roller coaster ride.  Paxon was not able to handle the doses of milk he was receiving, so they had to stop feeding him and back to relying completely on IV nutrients, and again his CO2 numbers were increasing.  We once again found ourselves in the middle of a heart surgery discussion with the doctors.  The conversation with the Neonatologist was heartbreaking from every angle.  It was presented that either they wouldn’t be able to find a surgeon who would be willing to work on Paxon, and we would be sent home with him and Hospice, or we may want to consider not putting him through this surgery, or they find a surgeon and we hope he’s strong enough to make it through the surgery and recovery.  Needless to say, it was an emotional day and night, and all Jeremy and I could do was pray for wisdom for both ourselves and the doctors.

All of the cardiologists met this morning to talk about Paxon.  We have a surgeon now, and a pretty great one we hear, and Paxon will have heart surgery this week.  Probably Thursday.  They will do another echocardiogram on Wednesday to see if his levels are adequate enough to proceed with surgery, and if that’s the case then he’ll be having surgery on Thursday.  Everyone seems a little anxious about this surgery.  They are not sugar-coating this surgery and recovery at all, which I guess is good so that we have a realistic picture of how things will look, but we’re pretty anxious too.  This is a major surgery.  They will be cracking his chest open, which makes me cry just thinking about.  They will not be doing surgery IN his heart this time (he has two holes in his heart that will require surgery at another time) but instead the surgery will be closing his Ducterous Artery (this Artery usually closes at birth, but Paxon’s didn’t) and putting a little clamp on his Aorta to restrict blood from flooding his lungs and increasing pressure on that side of his heart which should help mitigate some of the effects of the holes in his heart.  Our nurse and the Neonatologist talked with us a bit about how recovery will look for Paxon…and it sounds awful.  They said he will be worse off than he is now at first, and we’re looking at him being in the hospital until the end of February at the earliest.  Jeremy and I point blank asked him if he thought Paxon would survive the surgery.  He said he believes he will, but there are so many different factors that need to come together for him to recover, and that’s going to be the hard part.  He also said that this is our only option.  If Paxon doesn’t get this surgery, he will die.  We’re not ready to give up on our boy, we don’t feel he’s had a fair chance to prove himself, but we pray this surgery is the answer.

Please pray for STRENGTH for our boy.  We watch him now and see so much fiestiness in him.  The other day he grabbed a hold of his breathing tube and Jeremy and another nurse had to pry his hand off.  It was making me chuckle.  Not totally surprising because his brother is the same way.

We’re home for a night to shower Asher with some love and kisses.  Our nurse and Neonatologist told us that we need to go home now, because once Paxon has the surgery we’re not going to want to leave his side.  Please, please, please pray!



  1. Reply

    Rachel, I am praying for little Paxon and your family, that you all have strength during this difficult time. I think about you many times throughout the day, and will continue to pray for you, Jeremy, Asher and Paxon.

  2. Reply

    Praying, praying, praying Olimb family!!

  3. Reply

    Asher time is the best medicine for both of you guys. Love you and praying for that little fighter, Paxon. So sorry that you have to make such difficult decisions but I also know that God is directing your path and that of the doctors. Much love and prayers from the Greene’s

  4. Reply

    Sweet family… enjoy this precious time with sweet Asher. My prayers will continue in the way of strength and peace. God is your defense and refuge in the day of your trial (Ps. 59:16). You will be kept by God’s power. Your High Priest who has passed through the heavens, sympathizes with you today.
    Going to the throne of grace on your behalf, Cynthia

  5. Reply

    Jeremy and Rachel, you and your beautiful Family have been in our prayers since before we met… And you will continue to be. Much LOVE to you all.
    The Howe’s

  6. Reply

    Praying my love….always. Xoxo

  7. Reply

    Praying for Paxon, you, and the surgical team. Jesus has y’all in his arms!

  8. Reply

    Rachel, that is so not easy. Praying for strength for Paxon and that he is ready for the surgery on Thursday. Praying also for the surgeon and for you and Jeremy too. May you feel God’s peace.

  9. Reply

    Praying. Have we told you how much we love Paxon? Which is nowhere near how much YOU love Paxon, which is NOWHERE near how much GOD loves Paxon.

  10. Reply

    Praying so much Rachel. Wish there was more I could do to help in some way. So glad you found a good surgeon. Will really be thinking of you in the next few days and specifically on Thursday.

  11. Reply

    Thanks for the update…we will continue praying for that sweet little boy, you, Jeremy and Asher. So thankful for the time you have with Asher tonight.

  12. Reply

    Born on Christmas day. Surgery on the epiphany. Praying God will send wise doctors with gifts. Love you guys.

  13. Reply

    Praying, Dear Friends. We love all 4 of you.

  14. Reply

    Praise God for fiesty boys! Praying for Paxon to build tons of strength and praising God for a “great” surgeon who will operate! So glad you are home…not only loving on Asher, but getting tons of love from him! I’m praying that God will do something so miraculous this week that God ALONE will get the glory! Rest my friend. Love you!

  15. Reply

    Oh yes…we are praying up a storm. May the God of Abraham, Jacob, David, our Lord and Savior watch over Paxon, the doctor’s and you. HE can accomplish much and we pray that God will perform a miracle again! Praying for you our dear friends for peace, comfort and strength beyond measure. Oh my…Dear God hear the prayers of these and so many more.

  16. Reply

    Thank you for the updates and specifics on how we can pray for your sweet little boy and you guys. I’m sorry that you are having to face these extreemly hard decisions. I can’t even imagine. I will continue to pray for wisdom for all involved with your precious baby and healing for Paxon. I’m glad you were able to have some fun time with Asher. Hugs and prayers.

  17. Reply

    Oh Rachel and Jeremy…we will pray. You two never cease to amaze me. The Lord is near and hears your/our cries. So glad you got to spend some time with Asher and please take care of yourself too. Love you. With all my heart, I am praying.

  18. Reply

    Your little Paxon is so amazing, we will pray for his speedy recovery.

  19. Reply

    I wish our love was enough to make things better dear friends. I’m heartbroken over your valley but know that God is good all the time. Praying up a storm to the ultimate physician and miracle maker!

  20. Reply

    I do not know you or your family but I would like you to know that you all are in my prayers! Jeremiah 29:11 God does have a plan and a purpose hold tight to that my dear! I am praying for the doctors to have wisdom and that you all will feel God’s amazing comfort and peace!

  21. Reply

    Both John and I are praying for you and little Pax!

  22. Reply

    Hello friends in Christ. Our family is friends with the Kempiaks. She asked others to read your blog via Facebook and pray. We will pray for you, Asher, and your family as a whole. My father was born with a whole in his heart way back in 1943 in Pittsburgh PA. They told his family he was too weak to survive surgery & that they would not operate until he was 9 years old. Although it was a daily struggle and he was not able to run when playing like other kids, he lived through it. At 9 years old, he was the first open heart surgery on a child at Children’s Hospital in Pgh. Hope and Faith are they things you need right now. Hope that the Great Physician will heal Asher through the surgeons here on earth. And faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Prayers will go with Asher in surgery, out if surgery, and through the difficult recovery.

  23. Reply

    Oh, I cannot say enough prayers for your family. Will be thinking of you and continuing our prayers in hopes that Paxon stays strong and the doctors use their best wisdom and knowledge for a successful surgery and good recovery.

  24. Reply

    You are never far from my thoughts and I’m praying throughout the day for Paxon and each one of you. Our little Karis prays for Baby Paxon at bedtime. She’s been praying for Asher since he was born and now has added Paxon to her list of babies for whom she remembers during bedtime prayers.

  25. Reply

    Praying and Hoping in our Great God! Love you Olimbs!

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  27. Reply

    “It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.” Ps 18:32
    “Is anything too hard for the Lord…” Gen 18:14
    “I know that you can do all things…” Job 42:2
    PRAYING for you all!!!

  28. Reply

    Through tears I pray for your family and that precious Paxon! I will continue to pray for his strength and for yours! You are all loved dearly! Enjoy some Asher time… No doubt he will bring a few smiles to your face! Love you

  29. Reply

    Praying God will for all of you . He will give you what you need for this trail. That he will guide the doctors and nurses. That he will give you Godly peace. Bring you people to support and help you. Praying for strenght of your son and asking him to bring him his love and care for the sweet little Guy he is. Praying all goes well in Jesus name amen

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