
Feel the awesome.




Nov 2010

Baby Pax

First, a little “hi” from the A-man.  This is his new favorite toy.  He’s constantly asking us to go for a walk or to the park so he can drive his car :).

~ ~ ~

We got to see our baby today, and we’ll probably get to see him every week or so until we meet him face to face.  Six more weeks from today until our due date.  We got a few updates on how he’s doing…

Paxon is a little over 4 lbs right now!  We were so excited to hear that number, because just a month ago he wasn’t quite 3 lbs, so he’s chunkin’ out, and I’m certain it has nothing to do with the fact that there’s always a cookie or a donut hanging out of my mouth, ha.  This puts him in the 18th percentile, which sounds kind of scary, but they said it’s a good place for him to be and they usually don’t get concerned unless that number is around the 10th percentile.  So we’re counting this as a praise!

We also got another look at his cleft lip and palette, and again the tears just flow when I see his little face.  The ultrasound tech said it’s 1 cm wide at it’s widest point…that just sounds awfully big on an itty bitty mouth.  We have SO many questions about how to care for him now that we’re getting really close to seeing him.  Our biggest concerns are feeding, and figuring out how we’re going to be able to get him the enzymes he needs to process the food.  I’m really worried about him aspirating all of this, and no one has told us or shown us how we need to care for him.  Jeremy and I made it very clear to them today that we need information and we’re frustrated no one has spent time with us on this topic.  It was pretty amazing how quickly everyone responded, and the manager and a different doctor came in basically telling us they were sorry and that they screwed up.  They said that we should have already met with the surgeons and consultants at this point.  So, now that means we have a lot more appointments to fit into these next few weeks, but we’re both pretty anxious to get more information on how we can care for him.  There are so many things that are completely out of our hands, but giving him meds and getting him food are ways we can help him and things we’re going to be dealing with right away.

Meconium Ileus – this is something that has been high on our radar since we found out that Paxon has cf.  It’s basically a bowel blockage, and what we understand is it can either be treated with some meds to release the blockage, or it can cause some pretty serious problems resulting in immediate surgery.  Today they noticed that Paxon’s ileus is a little enlarged, enough that they want me to come in every week for the next three weeks at least to look at it.  He said there is nothing to be concerned about now, but they need to watch it to see if there becomes reason to have Paxon come early so he can be treated.

For the last few ultrasounds Paxon has been breach.  I know that’s pretty common, but of course I was starting to wonder if a c-section was the inevitable.  Well, we found out today that his head is down, which is another praise!  Let’s hope he stays that way, because he’s sure moving around a lot now :).

We’re getting close now, and I can feel myself getting a little more anxious about everything.  We still don’t know so many things, and we probably won’t until we see him.  It’s scary.  We’re not sure what our lives are going to look like when little Paxon joins it, but we’re excited to welcome him to our family and give him lots of hugs and kisses.

Thank you so much to everyone for all of your thoughts and prayers for our family!!!



  1. Reply

    It seems to be coming closer quick! I am praying and praising with you guys! And can’t wait to give this little guy some hugs too!

  2. Reply

    so glad he changed positions!! always praying for you guys.

  3. Reply

    You guys are always in our prayers and we love you very much!

  4. Reply

    Thanks for the update. I’m glad the doctors are getting on the details now. You guys are doing a great job with all of these appointments, doctors, and details. We continue to pray every morning for your family. We have been praying specifically that the holes in Paxon’s heart close – did they mention how they look now? We will get praying on his enzymes and nutrition. Let me know if you want the boys to come and hang out/play with Asher this weekend. Love you all!

  5. Reply

    Hi Asher 🙂 I couldn’t help but feel so hopeful after reading this. As you mentioned there are so many unknowns that only Jesus knows but Paxon is such a strong lil guy already and of course we will continue praying for him to continue to beat the odds (as well as any other specific prayer requests as they come up)! Love YOU and am so so thankful for you!!!

  6. Reply

    Glad to hear Paxon turned&will continue to pray that you don’t have to go through a C-Section,Hugs&Kisses

  7. Reply

    Pax is head down?! More bread crumbs, my Friend!!! Praying for more and more miracles! I am excited to hug & kiss that little sweetie, too!

    P.S.–Love to have Ash over to play during any of your appts. coming up!

  8. Reply

    praying for all the details…may God give you strength. Just remember, us CF mama’s we are brave and strong and wise 🙂

  9. Reply

    Thanks for the updates. Happy to hear he ‘chunkin’ and in a better position! Love you guys…and as always praying big things for Paxon – and you 3!

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